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Stories About Rick

If you have a story that you would like to share, a memory, or a word of encouragement for the family, please send it to us via our "contact" page.


"I've known Rick since the early/mid 1990s. I served under him on the Rock Church worship team and was so impressed by how he was led by the Spirit - not to mention his mean saxophone playing! He's the one that encouraged me to start writing scripts for the church drama team -- which led to book writing, copywriting and so much more. That one thing changed the entire trajectory of my life. But my most important memory was when I reached out to Rick and Jen when my mom had a stroke in 2021. She was in such bad shape when she left the hospital - totally unable to do anything for herself. I was desperate for God to touch her. I'll never forget Rick's words to me: Jesus' stripes are greater than your mom's stroke. I've clung to those words, and by the grace of God, my mom has gained some independence back. I'm continuing to stand on those words each and every day until she receives total healing. And every time I say them, I remember my kind "brother" who gave me so much hope. You may have gone on before us to heaven, Rick. But you will never be forgotten. You left a treasure behind in each and every life you touched."


"Rick entered my life 30 years ago as a worship leader at a church we attended. He was so loving and caring and always encouraging. We grew close as friends even though miles separated us we seem to always seem to stay in touch. We’ve moved to the same towns and watched our children grow up together. Even just recently he would send texts to encourage me in the Lord. He was a loving husband, father, pastor, and friend. He definitely left his mark on my life and will always be remembered with that great smile. His goofy comments always made you laugh even when you had a rough day. Rick buddy you will me missed but never forgotten. See you on the other side my friend. Love you."

- Ted Linn

"Rick was probably the most positive person that i have ever known. I remember back when we had just put the Octane together and we were getting beat a lot he always could find the positive aspect of every situation. He was the greatest encourager that I have ever met!! We love you guys and will continue to pray for peace and understanding."

- Gary Cooley

Rick was the worship leader/pastor at The Rock in Asheville, NC when we met. He and Jen had a great impact on our lives at a time of great need. Though we have not been in contact for a lot of years I think of that time often. At the link to this page on Facebook a scripture was shared; in it the word "helper" was used, another rendering is often used "comforter". This is my prayer for you, Jen and your wonderful family, that our Lord would comfort you in every way.

- Rob Hoover

Where: Living in the outer suburbs of Denver

When: Winter 2004?

Who: Rick Hubbell wanting to go watch a Denver Broncos football game in a blizzard

The Hubbells lived a few houses down from ours. Our kids were the same ages so we’d hang out at birthday parties, neighborhood gatherings, etc. We were both fans of the NFL but weren’t Broncos fans. One Sunday he reached out asking me if I wanted to go to the Broncos game. Mind you, it had snowed around 6-8 inches that morning with lots more snow in the forecast. I thought, it was a horrible for multiple reasons but Rick wouldn’t take no for an answer because he said it would be an amazing experience! I relented and we went left on our adventure. Took us 90 minutes to get there(normal drive time was 25 minutes) and we had $40 cash between us. 😂 Rick talked his way into get lower bowl tickets and parking for $40. This Raiders/Broncos game was entirely played in a blizzard where we witnessed snow ball fights, actual fights between players on the field, fights between fans in the stands, and a blocked field goal by the Raiders to win the game. In the end, it was one of the most entertaining sporting events that I’ve witnessed(and I’ve seen a ton). Rick’s insistence on going to the game made this experience even more memorable and I appreciate Rick for pushing me to go! Thank you my friend!

- Greg Chopp

Rick Hubbell to me was a steady and joyful spirit. I often entered the Hubbell home in Powderhorn to the sweet sounds of him and Palmer playing on the keyboard or strumming guitars. I always knew when we walked in the door that he would welcome us with a “hey ladybug”. He always had something optimistic to say. But what I remember most about Rick was his “yes”. During the turbulent times of being a middle schooler, he was the “yes” man we didn’t know we needed. “Yes” to taking us to play and volleyball practices so we could do what we loved. “yes” to staying up with us until 3am to submit a video project we were ~convinced~ we would win a prize with (we weren’t even close haha). When we didn’t want to sleep in Bekah’s room, he was our “yes” man who rearranged his entire office so we could sleep in the super cool Murphy bed. He said “Yes” to our matching Aeropostale shirts and hamster pets, our homemade music videos, our love for Nancy Drew. In a world full of “no”, thank you Rick for saying “yes”. You believed in us, and so we believed in ourselves. We were weird and quirky but we were unapologetically ourselves in your home. You showed us that we don’t have to conform to fit a standard, but that the world grows with diversity of thought and personalities. Love you long time -dirty trash bag (iykyk 🥸)

-Madie Williamson


I only got to meet Rick once but I brought him up for days after because of how kind and intentional and genuine he was. Me and Autumn had a horrible camping incident and the Hubbell’s kindly welcomed us into their home in the middle of the night. Rick was the most comforting soul to be around during that time. He told us stories and the Holy Spirit was so evidently inside of him. Palmer and Autumn also just spoke so highly of him and you could tell he was he best dad in the world. I’m so so thankful I got to meet Rick.

- Claire Owens

As a new believer in Jesus Christ, Pastor Rick, as I knew him, spoke a word of encouragement into my life. That word has helped me along life's journey and has allowed me to grow and keep focused in the faith. God used Pastor Rick Hubbell to be a voice and to keep me anchored in my years of walking out my Christian faith. He will be missed for sure. We have conversed in the last several months via Facebook as we were tag teaming a man questioning Christianity and the journey he was on. Pastor Rick was gentle and respectful to this man in where he was at in his beliefs. I know Our Heaven Father is well pleased with Ricks answers and how he responded to this man seeking direction in his life. Though I don't know the outcome because I left the conversation, I knew Rick could handle this one and relied on the Holy Spirit to direct this man toward salvation.

- Bethany A Clark

God brought Rick into mine and my five small children’s lives during one of the most difficult seasons as a single mom. His constant love and prophetic words over my children and me oftentimes sustained us. Rick had a spirit of Fatherhood over him long before he had his beautiful Family of children with Jen! Sending loving prayers to all of you 🙏🏻❤️

- Michele French

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